The Seven Key Benefits of Ashwagandha

Gentleman, in today's post, we take a look at the seven key benefits of Ashwagandha and outline how it can potentially improve numerous symptoms, from reducing anxiety to naturally raising testosterone. But before we do, let's take a look at what exactly Ashwagandha is and its origins.


Ashwagandha, also known as Withania Somnifera, is a medicinal herb used for centuries in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It's become increasingly popular in Western culture over the last decade in the biohacking and Nootropic space. Those in the know have been taking this relatively unknown herb to boost their overall well-being. Whilst cited as potentially offering upwards of 10 - 15 benefits, we will focus on the seven key benefits of Ashwagandha that are backed up and proven by numerous clinical trials.

1 - Can help reduce stress. 

Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, which means it can help your body manage stress. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone because your adrenal glands release it in response to stress. And when your blood sugar levels get too low. Unfortunately, cortisol levels may become chronically elevated in some cases, leading to high blood sugar levels and increased fat storage in the abdomen. 

Reducing cortisol levels can be very beneficial for health; in a controlled study of 64 adults with a history of chronic stress, the group that supplemented with Ashwagandha improved their mental stress and reduced cortisol by 27.9%, and this was seen after 60 days of continuous supplementation. 

2 - It may reduce anxiety and depression. 

In the same 60 day study, those in the Ashwagandha group reported a 69% average reduction in anxiety and insomnia, compared to 11% in the placebo group. 

Antidepressive effects have also been seen with Ashwagandha. Still, they're nowhere near as notable as the anti-anxiety effects, but the mechanism by which it helps appears to be very similar. Those who took a larger daily dose reported a 59% reduction in severe depression. At the same time, the placebo group reported a 10% decrease. 

3 - It may increase muscle mass and strength. 

Okay, shifting gears a bit about the benefits, which are not limited to just mental health. Research has also shown that Ashwagandha may increase strength and power output. One studies purpose was to determine a safe and effective dosage for Ashwagandha. Still, they found that healthy men who took a high dose for 30 days significantly increased strength in the quadriceps and back extensor muscles; despite not exercising. 

In another study, 57 untrained men were put on strength training programmes and given either Ashwagandha or a placebo for eight weeks. The Ashwagandha group improved their one-rep max of the benchpress by almost 20 kilos over the placebo group and leg extensions by nearly five kilos. An increase in muscle size, testosterone levels and muscle recovery had also improved versus the placebo groups. 

4 - Boost testosterone and fertility

The ancient herb is also known to increase testosterone and improve fertility.

5 - It may reduce blood sugar levels. 

Several studies have found Ashwagandha has potential benefits for metabolic health. One recent study found that it increased insulin secretion and improved insulin sensitivity. This might help explain the potential benefits of blood sugar levels. In a small part study of six people with type two diabetes, supplementing with Ashwagandha for 30 days lowered fasting blood sugar levels as effectively as oral diabetes medication. Other studies have noted benefits, even in those without diabetes. But the effect was fairly small, less than a 5% change. 

6 - May improve cholesterol and lower triglycerides. 

Ashwagandha is cited to help improve heart health, particularly in those who already have existing problems. In a 60 day study of chronically stressed adults, the group taking the highest dosage of Ashwagandha experienced a 17% decrease in LDL cholesterol and an 11% decrease in triglycerides. 

7 - It may reduce inflammation

Several studies have reported that it can significantly reduce inflammation. 

Effective doses

As for the effective dosages, those used in the study seems to range from 125 to 1250 milligrammes daily, and it looks like the higher the dose, the more effective it is. So if you're thinking about supplementing, I'd look for a root extract or powder that's about 450 to 500 milligrammes per capsule, and you could have one or two of those per day.


There are some individuals who shouldn't take Ashwagandha, including pregnant or breastfeeding women, potentially people with autoimmune diseases as well. But, as always, you should talk with your doctor before you begin any new supplementation.