5 of The Most Effective Ways To Prevent a Hangover

Let's be honest; we've all been there typing into Google; what's the best way to (cure) a hangover. You have a massive headache, feel like shit, the room is still spinning, and you need it all to stop, like now! When really what we should be searching for are the most effective ways to prevent a hangover

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As we know, the best cure for a hangover is not to drink at all. However, for many of us, that's simply not an option.

What if I told you that it doesn't matter how many articles and blogs you read, none of the advice for (curing) a hangover works particularly well. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The real trick is not what to do if you have a hangover, but rather, what is the best way to prevent a hangover or reduce the severity of the hangover.

So, I am going to present to you 5 of the most effective ways to prevent a hangover, and I highly recommend you read this article right until the end to ensure you undertake the best option for you the next time you plan a night out on the piss.

5 of The Most Effective Ways To Prevent a Hangover

1 - Avoid drinks high in congeners.

Okay, let me explain. You may or may not have realised this, but ethanol is the main active ingredient in alcoholic drinks. Congeners stimulate the body to release stress hormones, such as norepinephrine and epinephrine and break down into toxins formaldehyde and formic acid. These can cause inflammatory responses in the body that lead to fatigue and other hangover symptoms. 

If you're looking to prevent feeling like shit the next day, stay away from these high congener drinks, such as whiskey and rum. Instead, opt for colourless drinks such as vodka and gin. These might be a better option as they contain little to no conjures, and your body will thank you in the morning. 

2 - Consume more alcohol 

Let's be honest; treating a hangover by having another drink seems somewhat counterintuitive, if not plan fucking stupid, right? Hold on, though; the infamous tactic commonly known as "The Hair of The Dog" might sound like the type of bullshit advice that has been passed down through generations, but there's some interesting science behind it. 

Simply put, drinking more alcohol is believed to affect the metabolism of methanol. After consuming alcohol, our bodies convert that methanol into formaldehyde, a highly toxic substance, and formaldehyde may be partly responsible for many hangover symptoms. Consuming alcohol the morning after a heavy night of drinking can inhibit this conversion process, preventing formaldehyde from forming.

Instead, methanol is discharged harmlessly from the body via your breath and your urine. Although, I don't encourage drinking the morning after as it's something tramps and homeless people generally do. Plus, it's not a good look if you have work that day. However, it could be something to consider if you're on a lads holiday or a stag-do and want to keep up with the boys.

3 - Drink water throughout the night. 

Alcohol is a diuretic, therefore, contributing to dehydration. Although dehydration surprisingly is not considered the main cause of hangovers, it may contribute to the symptoms like thirst, headache, fatigue and dry mouth. Fortunately, dehydration is easy to avoid. 

So, ensure you drink plenty of water. I know most people will be thinking, what's the point of drinking water as it takes up valuable space that could otherwise be consumed with more booze, right? That might be the case if you're a binge-drinking teenager. However, if you've passed those years and need to reduce the effects of a hangover because you have to perform the following day, you might want to consider it.

Water simply slows the absorption of the alcohol in your body, and it doesn't counteract it. A good one to one ratio is a rule that I typically practice if I'm out for a session - one glass of water to one alcoholic drink. 

4 - Don't smoke and drink 

Believe it or not, nicotine may contribute to a more severe hangover. Research suggests that people were more likely to report hangover symptoms after drinking if they smoked whilst out on the piss.  

Researchers are not sure why the combination of nicotine and alcohol causes more intense symptoms, but they suspect it relates to how both drugs release more dopamine in the brain. 

5 - B vitamins & zinc. 

A study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine evaluated the diet for 24 hours before and after excessive drinking. They found that people who consumed greater amounts of zinc and B vitamins through food consumption had less severe hangovers the following day.

So, there are the 5 most effective ways to prevent a hangover. But what about the best way to cure a hangover?

To eat or not to eat - that is the question.

The short answer is to eat. But that doesn't mean to scoff a full English (fry up). Instead, opt for something "relatively" nutritious, such as toast poached eggs, smoked salmon and avocado on sourdough toast. Hangovers often occur due to low levels of blood sugar. While not the primary cause of a hangover, it contributes to the overall symptoms like fatigue and headaches. Eating something relatively nutritious helps nudge blood sugar levels back to normal.

Do you have a go-to hangover cure? 

Let me know in the comments below, or jump over to the Male Mastery community on Instagram and share the knowledge. ll