How My Life Changed After I Gave Up Coffee

Coffee, coffee, coffee. Oh, how I love my coffee. Let me correct that, how I "used" to love my coffee. I never thought I'd find myself making such a statement, but I want to share with you guys how my life changed after I gave up coffee.


I've been a coffee drinker since 2005. Rarely has a day gone past that I don't get my coffee fix in some way, shape or form. But I have never been an over consumer like some people I know - 2/3 cups a day, in the morning and never after lunchtime.

I've always been an advocate and would boldly claim that life is better with coffee. At least I used to. More recently, I've found myself thinking quite the opposite after I was forced to reassess my daily habit.

A medical issue forced me to scrutinise my daily rituals. After much resistance, I was left with no other options and had to single out the last remaining culprit - coffee!

The joys of turning 40

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with an overactive bladder. I was finding myself waking up several times during the night needing to go for a piss. It was wrecking my sleep and hugely affecting my mood and overall well being.

I guess I should be thankful that I wasn't pissing the bed.

Desperate for a decent nights sleep, I took the plunge and went cold turkey. I didn't find it anywhere near as hard as I thought I might. No sweats or headaches, and the first week went by without any problems, as did the second and third.


I never thought I would find myself saying this, but holy fuck did my life change after giving up coffee. Firstly, my bladder felt the benefits after just a few days. Shortly after that, I found I just felt so much better physically and mentally. Not only did my sleep improve (monitored using the Aura ring), my entire body feels far less stressed.

Goodbye Anxiety

I do suffer from anxiety from time to time. At least I did. Made much worse when I don't get a good night sleep. And what do we coffee drinkers reach for if we wake up tired in the morning? A strong cup of coffee, right? It's a catch twenty-two, but I always blamed my anxiety on a poor nights sleep.

It would appear that coffee was the culprit all along.

Since I cut out coffee, I can honestly say several areas of my life have improved:

  • Better sleep

  • No anxiety

  • Less stress

  • No mid-morning crash

I'm not saying you should give up coffee. All I'm saying is, you might want to take a break for a month and see how your body reacts.

The more research I do on the side effects of coffee the more I’m encouraging people to at least give it a go.

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