5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Shitty Job

I have been accused in the past of lacking empathy. I’d argue I don’t; I just don’t suffer people’s bullshit or the excuses they make as to why they aren’t where they want to be in life in life. The reality is, I can share my 5 reasons why you should quit your shitty job. But it’s only you that can take the necessary action to make it a reality. 

Let’s be honest; talk is cheap. And moaning about your job to anyone who will listen is just going to make you hate it even more. In 2005 I was that person. Bitching and moaning. Or should I say, moaning like a bitch. On paper, I had it all: beautiful penthouse, 6-figure salary, the cars, expensive timepieces, yadda yadda yadda.

I had achieved everything I set out to in life and more. Yet, I was deeply unhappy and unfulfilled with life.

I dreaded waking up on a Monday morning and going into the office. I was no longer motivated by money or material things. I realised that I was wasting my time on this planet. That was until one day; I had the chance encounter with a sports psychologist who completely changed my outlook and how I approached life.

He asked me questions that put things in perspective - seemingly simple questions, common sense almost. Yet, the questions made me view life through a different lens. It changed my perspective on how I viewed success and what success really was. 

The question I ultimately asked myself was - “Would more of what I already had, make me happy?”

I already knew the answer. So the following week, I woke up absolutely buzzing on a Monday morning, knowing I was going to quit my shitty job. 

“My entire life changed by asking myself better questions - Damian King 

I want to share with you the 5 questions you need to ask yourself on why you should quit your shitty job. 

Hold up! Want to know what happened after I quit my corporate career - 

1 - You only have one life

Unless you’re deeply religious and believe in the afterlife, I’d hedge my bets and say the life you’re currently living isn’t a practice run. And as someone who has recently turned 40, I can assure you, life passes you by much quicker as you get older. 

Top tip - do NOT waste it! 

2 - Opportunities appear when you take action

Let me ask you a question - what opportunities have landed in your lap in the last 5 years that resulted from doing sweet FA?


True story - a few weeks after I quit my job, I went for lunch with a couple of friends and on the off chance, I popped into a local estate agent. I was offered an apartment that had literally come back into the market that morning as the sale had fallen through. I viewed it there and then and put in a cheeky offer way below market value. The vendor needed a quick sale and accepted. Four weeks later, I completed on the property. three months later, I sold it for a huge profit. 

To note - I would never have been out for lunch with friends if I hadn’t quit my job. The opportunity would never present itself if I hadn’t taken action. 

3 - You owe it to your family and those close to you

To be honest, this didn’t resonate with me a great deal as I was young, and my girlfriend at the time worked in an equally shitty job in the City. But this should resonate with Husbands and fathers alike. I think we will all agree that it’s the wife and kids that get the brunt of the mood swings, negativity and outbursts when you’ve had a bad day at work. In addition to being a miserable bastard, what sort of example are you setting for your kids. 

My advice - give this question some thought and delve deeper into the negative impact a shitty job can have not just on you but those around you. 

4 - It will have a positive impact on your health

Let’s be honest what’s the first thing most people do when they get home from a shitty day at work. Reach for a way to escape - booze, weed, porn, food, and that’s not including the stress that it puts on your body and mental health. 

To note - new job = opportunity for new healthier habits.

5 - Life is one big adventure - treat it as such

There’s nothing I’ve said in the post that you likely didn’t already know. But when you’re working in a job you hate, it’s often hard to have a clear perspective on life. Coaches enjoy a privileged position of being able to view a scenario from afar. A position of clarity. That’s why athletes have coaches who can sit back and observe. When you are the one in the thick of it, it’s hard to see exactly what’s going on.

Conclusion AKA my two bobs worth

I gave a talk a few years back, and a guy in the audience commented that it was easier for me to quit my job and travel because I earned a 6-figure salary. I called bullshit on that theory because along with my 6-figure salary came a 6-figure lifestyle. More often than not, our outgoings reflect our salary. I could argue that walking away from a job that paid so handsomely would be more difficult to walk away from, than one that didn’t pay so well.

At the end of the day, it’s easy to come up with any number of excuses as to why you can’t quit your job - not the right time, not enough money, mortgage repayments, car repayments etc. The fact is if you hate your job, nothing else is going to change that. Not a new car, another holiday, or a new timepiece.

Absolutely nothing can replace freedom and happiness

I hope this helps chaps - Damian King 



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Damian King