5 (unheard of) Supplements That Actually Work.

There are supplements, and then there are supplements - those that work and those that don't. You can heap 95% of the supplements you find in the fitness industry into those that don't. There are, however, many natural supplements that have proven to be highly effective. Supplements that have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years in Ayurvedic practices in India and Chinese herbal medicines, not to mention South American countries where natural remedies are often favoured over modern synthetic drugs.

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DISCLAIMER - I am in no way offering medical advice. All supplements listed should be carefully researched and not used in conjunction with other medication. To reiterate, I am NOT a doctor.

I have, however, personally used all of the supplements listed below (apart from Rhodiola Rosea) and found them to be beneficial when used in conjunction with a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Another point I want to stress is that they are NOT happy pills or uppers. You won't get a "buzz" when taking them. As with all vitamins, minerals and supplements, they form only part of a healthy lifestyle. 

1 - 5 HTP 

5-Hydroxytryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid, chemical precursor and metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 5 HTP has long been the "ravers morning after pill" after a night on club drugs such as MDMA and Ketamine, which cause a reduction in the feel-good chemical serotonin. More recently, it's come to light as an effective aid to ease the symptoms of stress and depression. 

2 - Ashwagandha

As a nootropic, Ashwagandha helps relieve stress, fatigue, restore energy and boosts concentration. As an adaptogen, it helps your entire body by normalising blood sugar, boosts insulin sensitivity, works as an antioxidant, and helps reduce inflammation. 

3 - Bacopa monnieri

Some people consider Bacopa Monnieri to be one of the best nootropics on the market. Bacopa Monnieri is an adaptogen. It helps reduce the chemical and physical effects of stress instead of just suppressing them like many modern antidepressants. Bacopa Monnieri is used to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. It can boost memory, concentration and reaction time. And is used for neuroprotection and to balance neurotransmitters. 

4 - Turmeric 

Mention Turmeric to most people, and they instantly think of Indian food. However, it's much more than simply a cooking ingredient. Turmeric has a combination of curcuminoids, volatile oils and proteins that make it anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-septic. Research suggests it can help reduce stress, but the most significant benefits come in the way of anti-inflammatory properties. 

5 - Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is known to decrease depression and stress-related mood swings, reduce fatigue, stimulate energy and alertness, and boost cognition. I have only recently come across Rhodiola Rosea and haven't felt the need to take it, which says a lot for the lifestyle I lead these days. But I have heard great things about it reducing anxiety from several people. Yet another medicine that grows naturally from the earth we inhabit. 

Damian King


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Damian King