Morning Routine For Maximum Productivity

Let me start by making one thing perfectly clear. My morning routine does NOT always go according to plan. Anyone who says theirs does is most likely talking out their arse or leads a pretty dull life.

Any number of things can cause my morning routine to be disrupted - travel, alcohol, stress, not getting enough sleep etc. However, my lifestyle these days minimises those distractions.

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Older, wiser, or simply more aware of what's actually important to me can weigh heavily on the choices I make. For the best part, I adhere to a somewhat ridged evening routine, enabling me to implement an effective morning routine and maximise my productivity.

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Having a morning routine is essential for maximum productivity, period. All high performing entrepreneurs, CEO's, and athletes alike will adhere to some kind of routine. But I don't feed into all the 5 am club bollocks. In my opinion, anything, before 6 am, is still nighttime. If your work schedule warrants it, that's fine. But there are some people, mainly wannabe entrepreneurs, who think getting up at 5 am is something to brag about. Do what works for you, not what people are posting on Instagram.

Here is a list of my non-negotiables that I "try" my best to adhere to each morning.

Note - to give you a heads up about what time I wake up. I work for myself and afford the privilege of working from home, so I wake up an hour later than I would have to if I had to commute or drive to work.

My Morning Routine For Maximum Productivity

  • 7 am - wake up

  • Drink a glass of water (with Athletic Greens)

  • Make myself a coffee (strictly decaf these days)

  • Read for 20 minutes (in bed)

  • 5 mins of ecstatic dance/stretching

  • 10 mins of mobility & stretching

  • Listen to hypnosis audio from Eliot Roe

And that's about it for the best part. I will go for a walk and work out, but the time I complete them depends on my work schedule.



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Damian King