Does CBD Actually Work or Are We Being Fooled?

Does CBD actually work, or are we being fooled? There is so much marketing hype surrounding the infamous cannabis plant that it has left many of us asking questions. This article gives you a complete breakdown of how effective CBD actually is.

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There are so many questions surrounding CBD and just as many inaccuracies bounding around the internet. Does it get you high? Does it help you sleep? Will it show up on a drug test? Can it really cure cancer? 

So does CBD actually work, or are we being fooled into handing over our hard-earned cash. Here is the complete breakdown

Whats exactly is CBD? 

CBD is short for cannabidiol, a naturally occurring chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. A safe, non-addictive substance. CBD is one of more than 100 phytocannabinoids, which, unlike its more famous cousin, Delta nine tetrahydrocannabinol THC, is a primary active ingredient in the cannabis plant. CBD, however, is not psychoactive, meaning it won't get you high. 

That's because CBD and THC act in different ways and on different receptors in the brain and our body. Nowadays, CBD is being heavily studied by researchers and scientists for its significant therapeutic qualities.

So are there health benefits to using CBD? 

Researchers found that after a lot of preclinical work in rats and mice, CBD was found to have anti-epileptic properties. Around the same time, a small clinical trial by Brazilian researchers conducting trials with epileptic patients found a daily dose of 200 milligrammes of CBD extremely effective. At the same time, another group were given a placebo. Patients taking the CBD showed a remarkable improvement with no convulsions. 

In recent years, there have been countless more studies and anecdotal experiments with the use of CBD and epilepsy, so much that recently in America, the FDA approved the first-ever cannabis-derived medicine for these conditions. 

CBD is also commonly used to treat anxiety and patients who suffer from insomnia. One study found that a single dose of 600mg of CBD decreased anxiety in people about to give public speeches. In addition, people who took 25 milligrammes of CBD daily reduced their anxiety and had a much better quality of sleep. That said, in my personal experience, I need to administer a dose of around 350mg before I feel any difference whatsoever. More on my personal findings later

CBD may also offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain and could help reduce muscle pain and inflammation due to arthritis. A study demonstrated how CBD inhibits inflammatory and neuropathic pain, two of the most difficult types of chronic pain to treat. Researchers are also looking at a receptor located in the brain to learn how CBD can help people with neurodegenerative disorders, which are diseases that cause the brain and the nerves to deteriorate. 

Over the last few years, researchers have been studying the use of CBD oil for treating disorders like Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. CBD oil may also reduce the inflammation that can make neurodegenerative symptoms worse. More research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD for degenerative nerve diseases, and this is one of the main areas that scientists are conducting studies. 

What about cancer?

Some studies have investigated the role of CBD in preventing cancer cell growth, but research is still in its early stages. The National Cancer Institute says that CBD may help alleviate cancer symptoms and cancer treatment side effects; however, the National Cancer Institute doesn't fully endorse any form of cannabis as a cancer treatment. 

That's the serious stuff out the way.

Now it's time to debunk the marketing bollocks that's touting CBD to be a miracle supplement, oil, drink, bath bomb, moisturiser, and just about anything else they can squeeze some CBD into. For the best part, it's complete and utter crap for the simple reason that there isn't a high enough dosage of CBD in the product for it to make a difference. And it's these types of products I feel could potentially harm the longevity of CBD in the consumer lead market. 

The greedy misleading sons of bitches will potentially ruin the CBD market.

A 300ml drink with 3mg of CBD will do sweet FA for 99.9% of consumers, and neither will bath bombs, cookies, chocolate, or coffee with a meagre 2-5% CBD, for that matter. However, stick the infamous cannabis leaf on a product's packaging, and there will naturally be curious consumers ready to spunk their money on BS products that don't work. 

Another question that I hear a lot is, will CBD get you high and will it show up in a drug test? As I said before, CBD is the non-psychoactive portion of the plant, and that means you won't experience any THC like effects in any way. Sorry stoners!

However, let's delve a little deeper into whether CBD will show up on a drugs test because I have heard some pretty conflicting information surrounding drug testing. If you get a high-quality CBD product from a reputable source, then the chances are you will be perfectly fine. However, for every reputable source you'll come across, you will likely find 10X the amount of lower quality White Lable CBD brands that more often or not come from less reputable sources. These companies have no incentive to adhere to the costly and stringent testing to ensure your CBD product contains no traces of THC. It comes down to the extraction process, and the less established manufacturers often take shortcuts to maximise their profit. 

Does CBD have side effects?

As the old saying goes, "there's no such thing as a free lunch." But when it comes to CBD, there are very few reports of side effects, especially with the ridiculously small recommended doses UK manufacturers suggest. I've taken 850mg in a sitting and experienced no side effects, and this was spread over approximately 10-12 hours whilst flying, replacing the 40mg of Diazepam I normally take.

Some side effects that people have reported are nausea, fatigue, and irritability, but that's what I have read in the media. I have not personally met or heard of anyone who has actually experienced any side effects of CBD. 

DISCLAIMER - always speak with a trained professional when you conduct your own research. All information on the Male Mastery website (unless stated) comes from personal experience and NOT trained medical professionals 

What’s your take on CBD? Have you experienced great results or been left disappointed? Let me know in the comments below and tag your favourite CBD brand. Or, head over to the Male Mastery community on Instagram and connect with thousands of like-minded guys.