What Steroids Actually Do To Your Body

Are you looking to bulk up and get ready for the summer in 2022? Have you been flicking through social media and been admiring all these ripped influencers boasting 6-packs and have started to consider potentially jumping on the gear? Over the last few months, I have been inundated with people asking my advice on steroids, so I thought I'd put out some information to give you guys some clear details on what steroids actually do to your body.

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Do they really cause your balls to shrink? Will you get roid rage? Will you get an acne outbreak, and will you look like Rich Piana after your first cycle? Are steroids as bad as the media makes out, or can you safely take them with minimal side effects?

My response to anyone considering taking steroids is - why are you looking to take them? More often or not, most guys are looking for a shortcut and want to fast track getting in shape. My reply to these people is always the same - do NOT do them! Steroids have the potential to enhance a body that's already put in the hard work and has built a solid foundation. If you haven't done the groundwork, jumping on some gear is not the way to go.

First and foremost, if you are asking me about steroids, I'd say the likelihood is that you are not ready to take any form of steroid, growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing drug because I'm not the best person to be asking. There are far more qualified people out there to ask. 

However, due to the content I put out and my openness to answer the questions most coaches and facilitators shy away from, a lot of you guys feel comfortable asking the question, so I want to respond to the best of my ability and cover some of the basics.

The reality is, while some guys may have achieved their physique and athleticism through a strict regimen of weightlifting, diet and training, others may have gotten their physique through weightlifting, diet, training, and a little help from some Mexican supplements, aka steroids. 

What's the big fuss about? You want to get in shape for the summer, right? Plenty of guys down the gym are on the juice. They can't be that bad, can they? Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted to taking them; Silvester Stallone clearly does them, as do many other Hollywood actors. Surely there is a safe protocol that can be adhered to?

That's up for debate. There are steroids, and there are steroids, and not all are made equal. Some steroids could have significant health consequences on your body that you definitely should know about. 

What are steroids in layman terms?

There are two main types of steroids. The first are corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are a class of drugs that lowers inflammation in the body. They also reduce immune system activity, ease swelling, itching, redness and allergic reactions. Doctors often prescribe them to help treat diseases like arthritis or asthma. These corticosteroids have legitimate medical uses. On a fundamental level, steroids are chemicals, usually hormones, that your body makes naturally. They help your organs, tissues, and cells do their job, and you need a healthy balance of them to grow and for other various processes in your body. 

But these are not the steroids that people refer to in order to get big in the gym. 

Those are the second type of steroid called androgenic-anabolic steroids - Trenbolone, Decker, Anadrol, and Winstrol are some of the most commonly known. Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone; they work by stimulating muscle tissue to grow in response to training by mimicking the effect of naturally produced testosterone in the body. 

These types of steroids can remain in the body anywhere from a couple of days to several months, and they have become popular because they improve endurance, strength, and muscle mass. 

What are the common side effects of taking anabolic steroids?

Side effects can range from acne, hair loss, and breast tissue to grow (gynecomastia), not forgetting more severe side effects like hormone imbalance and the potential for your liver to grow tumours. 

Suddenly that 6-pack and chiselled chest doesn't appear so appealing, does it?

When somebody abuses steroids there is the potential for some pretty rough side effects - gender mix-ups happen? Men can grow breasts, experience shrunken testicles and reduced sperm count. 

On the other hand, women who take anabolic steroids can grow beards, experience reduced breast size, and experience deepening of their voice. Still, these are not the only side effects steroids have significant life-threatening effects if abused.

There are reports of an increased risk of developing liver cancer in the body. And if you don't develop cancer, some steroids are known to cause tumours that form in your liver called hepatic adenomas. Although these tumours are not cancerous, they can rupture and cause serious bleeding in the liver. 

Your liver isn't the only organ that can be at risk either. The use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is associated with compromised heart pumping and atherosclerotic plaque, meaning you could be at an increased risk for coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction. 

Together, these effects can reduce the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart and from the heart to your arteries. Not to mention high blood pressure increases bad cholesterol levels, mood swings, testicular atrophy, aka shrinking of your balls, lowered sperm count and infertility. Plus many more other serious side effects. In other words, steroids can throw your natural body functions way out of whack and can fuck you up when not administered correctly.

But is it worth the risk?

As I mentioned before there a numerous types of steroids, each with their own side effects, and some more so than others. But the right cycle can hugely increase your performance which is why the use of PEDs is so rife in sports - cycling, boxing and American football, through to MMA, Strongman and Gymnastics.

But at what cost?

The long term effects of performance-enhancing drugs haven't been rigorously studied, which should raise concern. That said, neither have Covid 19 vaccine jabs, aka Astra Zeneca and Moderna. But that's a debate for another time. The reality is, steroids can categorically enhance your physique way beyond what's achievable naturally. 

To jump on the gear or not to jump on the gear - that is the question

Jumping on the gear is a risky business, no matter how you look at it. However, there is also an argument for the risks if done correctly and under the guidance of a doctor, or someone who "really" knows what they are doing. Unfortunately, you have next to no chance of being guided by a medical professional in the UK. It would appear that private doctors are far more willing to offer their services and advise users contemplating taking steroids in America. 

So, what is my personal view on steroids without sitting on the fence and getting splinters up my arse?

I don’t agree with steroids in sports if they are being used to cheat. Especially in any form of combat sport. The extra power or endurance could potentially kill someone - period. But, if you are taking steroids to enhance your physique and not cheating anyone then I don’t see a problem.

People I know who take gear will generally eat a healthy diet, keep hydrated, get decent sleep, and train consistently in the gym. Basically, they follow an extremely healthy lifestyle. They get their blood work checked regularly and are in tune with their body. And I'm not talking about extreme bodybuilders who push everything to the extreme. 

The fact is most people don't know what they are talking about when it comes to steroids. But every man and his dog will offer their two bobs worth. You have the bloke down the pub who knows "all there is to know" about roids - "they make ya balls shrink bruv, you'll run the risk of a heart attack, and you'll go bald". Yet it's this type of person who smokes 20 fags a day, drinks in excess, rarely gets down the gym, and his idea of a healthy meal is having salad with his doner kebab. 

Juiced Up - The Consequences of Steroids

I did steroids in my late teens/early twenties. Yes, I noticed some great results but I also noticed some not so great side effects; namely roid rage. A lot of juice heads say roid rage isn’t a real side effect. I beg to differ. A mate who I was doing gear with also suffered from gyno and had to have a lump cut out of his chest/nipple which put me off. But the main thing that put me off was the baldness thing. If you are likely to suffer from male pattern baldness, jumping on the gear will without a shadow of a doubt speed up the process. If you have a hairline like Rod Stewart then this might not be an issue. unfortunately, I did not!.

Disclaimer - yes, I know there are always cases to contradict what I've documented, I'm not denying that. I am merely giving my opinion, and that is not to be taken as anything other than that! My opinion.

Have you dabbled with steroids, considered taking them or have more questions? let me know in the comments section below or head on over the Male Mastery community on Instagram