Have You Got Low Testosterone? Signs, Symptoms And Cures

Calling all Men who think they may have low Testosterone, in this article, I will cover the signs, symptoms and cures so that you can take decisive action into addressing your Testosterone levels.

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When you think of Testosterone, what comes to mind? Steroids, masculinity, Alpha Males, high sex drive etc. For the best part, there is a lot of confusion on what Testosterone actually is and how it plays a significant role in Men's bodies. 

Issues like decreased muscle mass increased body fat, and erectile dysfunction are just some of the symptoms of low Testosterone. A large percentage of Men may be experiencing some of these symptoms and not even realise it has to do with their testosterone levels. 

Naturally, you're likely to have questions - are there risks associated with higher or lower levels in your body? is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) a lifelong commitment, and are there ways to increase your Testosterone levels naturally?

In this article, I'll break down all the essential information you will need to know, to help you make the correct decision on how you're going to go about increasing your Testosterone levels, be that naturally or with the use of exogenous Testosterone.

Have you considered taking TRT? 

The reality is, Testosterone plays a vital role in Men's health, and low levels can have a serious effect on your overall wellbeing.

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in Males. It plays a vital role in developing male reproductive tissue, such as the testes and the prostate, as well as promoting increased muscle and bone mass.  

As we go through puberty and experience significant increases in our testosterone levels, we notice changes to our body and sexual organs, namely the deepening of our voice and our ability to get an erection at the most inappropriate times. Testosterone production in Men increases about 30 times more during adolescence and early adulthood.

However, it's natural for levels to drop slightly as we get older. As we pass 30, most men begin to experience a gradual decline in Testosterone levels. How much of a reduction is often the result of our lifestyle, although some Men will experience a decline regardless; simply being the result of our DNA and hereditary genetics

How does Testosterone work from a scientific level?

In layman terms, signals are sent to the pituitary gland from the brain. This controls the production of Testosterone in men; the pituitary gland then relays the signal to the testes to produce Testosterone. A feedback loop closely regulates the amount of hormone in the blood if and when testosterone levels rise too high. The brain sends signals to the pituitary to reduce production. 

It's essential to have the right amount of testosterone levels in your body.

So how do you know if you have low testosterone levels? And when should you be concerned enough to start seeking medical advice? 

Here are 10 signs that you may be dealing with lower than ideal levels of Testosterone. 

1 - You lose your sex drive. 

Testosterone plays a crucial role in libido, aka sex drive, in Men. Although some Men may experience a decline in their sex drive as they age, men with low testosterone levels will likely experience a more drastic drop in their desire to have sex. 

2 - Difficulty getting the old boy up (erectile dysfunction) 

While Testosterone stimulates a Man's sex drive, it also aids in achieving and maintaining an erection. Even though Testosterone alone doesn't cause an erection. It does stimulate receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide. The nitric oxide molecule helps trigger a series of chemical reactions necessary for us Men to get a hard-on.

However, do keep in mind there are many other factors at play when it comes to erectile disfunction - stress and depression can also be a contributing factor 

3 - Testosterone plays a role in the production of semen. 

The fluid that aids in the motility of sperm: if your testosterone levels are low, the number of swimmers you produce may be low as well. 

4 - Hair loss 

Although balding is a natural part of ageing for many Men, Testosterone could also play a role in your thinning hair. While there's an inherited component to balding, many Men, on the other hand, may experience a loss of body and facial hair when they have lower levels of Testosterone. 

5 - Fatigue 

If you find yourself tired all the time, despite getting a decent amount of sleep, you may be dealing with low levels of Testosterone. I suggest that this warrants further investigation with a medical professional. 

6 - Loss of muscle mass. 

Because of the role testosterone plays in building muscle, you may experience loss of mass in your muscles as well if you're dealing with reduced levels of Testosterone.

7 - An increase in body fat. 

Sometimes, when there is a disruption or an imbalance of Testosterone and oestrogen in men, one can experience things like gynecomastia, enlarged breast tissue, or other areas of increased body fat. 

8 - Increased bone mass. 

Men with lower testosterone levels, especially as they get older, may have lower bone volume and are more susceptible to bone fractures and osteoporosis. 

9 - Mood and mental capacity. 

If you find yourself experiencing mild levels of depression, irritability or a lack of focus, there could be an issue with your level of Testosterone in your body. Additionally, both Testosterone levels and cognitive functions, particularly memory, decline with age. 

10 - Low blood counts. 

Doctors have linked low Testosterone with an increased risk for anaemia. Risks and symptoms associated with anaemia can include dizziness, light cramping, sleep disruption, and abnormal heart rate. 

What causes low Testosterone, and should you be concerned about it? 

As we age, we produce less Testosterone; it's a natural part of ageing. But several other causes can result in lower Testosterone as well. Things like injury to your testicles, pituitary disorders, cancer treatments, HIV or AIDS, and inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis and tuberculosis. 

Testicular tumours are just some of the causes of low production of Testosterone. Insufficient production of Testosterone can then sometimes lead to hypogonadism. In Men, complications of untreated hypogonadism include loss of libido, failure to achieve physical strength, osteoporosis, infertility and a range of other health complications. 

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) the answer?

Are there any side effects from taking testosterone therapy? 

The short answer is yes; like many other supplements and medications, Testosterone therapy comes with risks and possible side effects. This is particularly true if you try to take it for normal ageing rather than treating a condition. Short term complications include sleep apnea, acne flares, enlarged breast tissue, and testicular shrinkage.

Men on long-term Testosterone therapy appear to have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease. There is a concern that Testosterone therapy could also stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells, but more research is needed.

Are there natural remedies for increasing Testosterone? 

Testosterone replacement therapy isn't for everyone; let me make that clear. It might seem like a miracle cure at face value, but it's a huge commitment and a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.

There are a few natural remedies available that you can try to boost your Testosterone levels.

1 - Zinc

One thing found to help to regulate testosterone levels in Men, is adding zinc to your diet. Either by eating whole grains and shellfish or through additional supplementation. 

2 - Potassium 

Potassium aids in testosterone synthesis. Add potassium rich foods to your diet like bananas, beets and spinach if you want a little natural boost of Testosterone.

3 - Lifestyle changes 

Things like getting more exercise, better sleep, and managing your stress levels are all things that can lead to increasing your natural testosterone level. 

Are you on TRT, have you increased your levels by implementing better lifestyle habits or supplementation? Let me know in the comment section below, or head on over to the Male Mastery community on Instagram and share your experience with me