5 Questions a Sports Psychologist Asked Me That Changed My Life.

In 2005, I had a chance encounter with a sports psychologist who played an integral role in my decision to quit my corporate career and travel around the world. I want to share with you the five questions that literally changed my life. You never know; maybe something might click for you and prompt you to take massive action - a new job, relationship, travelor embark on a crazy arsed adventure.

How it came about

Back in 2005, I worked for an investment firm in the City and was introduced to a potential client who turned out to be a sports psychologist, who worked with premiership footballers, and Olympic athletes. Over lunch, we discussed potential investments opportunities, and In conversation, I mentioned that I often had trouble sleeping. At that point, he started to ask questions about my evening routine, and the conversation turned into more of an unofficial counselling session. At this point, I was a brash 25 year working in the City. I was making great money, thought I knew everything, and if I'm honest, was most likely a bit of an arrogant knob - the epitome of a City alpha male stereotype. 


The next hour just flew by, and the conversation, or should I say counselling session, developed into a deeper conversation about life, goals and future ambitions. I felt so comfortable talking openly about things I'd never really discussed before. He had a way of making you feel extremely comfortable and relaxed. Genuinely interested in what I had to say. Looking back now, it's apparent he was clearly very good at his job.

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The 5 Questions a Sports Psychologist Asked Me That Changed My Life.

  1. Your external world is a reflection of your internal world.

  2. Your internal world is a reflection of your external world.

  3. Opportunities appear when you take action.

  4. At this very moment, you have the chance to write your own story. Drawing on the past and creating the future exactly how you want it.

  5. There is only one life - this life.

The reality is, nothing changes unless you take action.

If you want a more in-depth explanation of how I used these questions to completely change my outlook on life, money and success. I recommend tuning into episode 3 of the Male Mastery podcast show. Released 21st May

Find out how I swapped my pinstripe suit for shorts & flip flops. And…

  • Quit my job, sold everything I owned & travelled around the world

  • Embarked on my slightly unconventional spiritual journey

  • Reduced my alcohol & cannabis consumption

  • I started to meditate & visualise

  • Relocated to Brighton and Became a DJ & club promotor

Who knows, after listening, you might end up making a huge decision that shapes your future life

Damian King



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Damian King