The Shift In Mindset That Changed My Life

I try to surround myself with people who share the same mindset as me, people who use obstacles and challenges as an opportunity to grow and become better. The shift in mindset that changed my life resulted from a chance encounter with a sports psychologist I met back in 2005. He got me asking better questions of myself and changed the way I viewed life. It might sound a bit dramatic, but my life changed after that meeting. He introduced me to the likes of Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra and stoic philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius and Seneca.

I highly recommend checking out - 5 questions a sports psychologist asked me that changed my life.

Since then, I've come to realise that there are two types of people in life. Those that see an opportunity in every difficulty and those that see a difficulty in every opportunity.

Take the recent pandemic, for example. Some people have absolutely crushed it in life and business. Using what is globally considered the worst economic disaster of our lifetime and used it as an opportunity to launch successful businesses, pivot existing business models or achieve personal objectives such as getting in shape or learning new skills. And then you have people whose businesses have failed to adapt and change, people who have piled on a ton of weight; alcohol consumption has gone through the roof and life has turned to shit.

It pays to remember that anything is possible. Well almost!

The reality is not everyone views life in such a positive manner. That could be for any number of reasons - childhood upbringing, lousy role models, religion, negative life experiences, and some people are just inherently negative in their outlook on life.

One thing I have seen time and time again indicating the significance between those who enjoy success and abundance in life and those who don't.

It's called the Locus of Control.

Locus of control is the degree to which people believe they create the outcome of their existence instead of leaving it in the hands of external forces to determine the outcome of events in their lives.

In layman's terms, I equate it to a simple perspective on life that believes that life happens "for you" instead of "to you".

Such a minor and seemingly insignificant change of a single word, yet it changes how one can view life and be the deciding factor of enjoying huge success in life or living a sad and miserable life.

The one thing we all share, however, is choice. Let that sink in for a while. Every one of you reading this has the opportunity to succeed in life. It's simply a CHOICE you have to make.

Damian King

Don't miss episode 3 of the Male Mastery podcast show. I discuss:

  • What went down when I had a chance encounter with a sports psychologist

  • The book he gave me that I read for 9 hours straight

  • How I quit my lucrative corporate career & travelled the world

  • The effective lifestyle habits I embraced that changed my life.

  • Why I am NOT a fan of the self-help industry

Gents, if you have taken something away from this blog post or the Male Mastery podcast, then I’d really appreciate doing me a solid and sharing with your mates.

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